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Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Reasons We Love Dexter @ 6:11 PM
One might wonder why Urban Organization, a consultation company, would post something about a Showtime series? No...it's not because Showtime is paying us. We're not getting a special endorsement. It might be because the ritualistic killer, Dexter Morgan, has the same fetish we do: ORGANIZATION. Just check out these pictures from his apartment. He would be a great fit for our company!
picture courtesy dexter.wikia.com |
picture courtesy http://darklydexter.com/season-6/dexters-apartment/ |
picture courtesy http://darklydexter.com/season-6/dexters-apartment/ |
picture courtesy http://darklydexter.com/season-6/dexters-apartment/ |
picture courtesy http://darklydexter.com/season-6/dexters-apartment/ |
Labels: celebrities, Dexter, organization
Organized Entryway @ 6:00 PM
picture courtesy bhg.com |
So, my friend, Nicole, passed this picture along to me. I absolutely love what I've seen! It's an organized entryway that's been taken from
BHG better known as Better Homes and Gardening. Take a look at this and get inspired. I always do! Check out BHG for a lot of options of organization that they have!
Em's Closet @ 4:53 PM
Do we practice what we preach! Emily's closet is by far the most organized of the two of ours because she's got the space. I live in an midtown house that's about 70 years old and has about 700 less square feet. But she's made good use of her space. I have to be a lot more organized because I've got less space to work with. Take a look at her closet and comment on the beauty of it. The only thing I may have her beat on is that I tackle more colors from the color spectrum in my wardrobe :)
Good Job Emily;)
Labels: closet, emily, organization, organize
Urban Organization Holiday Special!! @ 11:12 AM
This is our brand new promotion until Christmas! Give the gift of organization! Does your child have a messy habitat? Does your husband's garage need a make over so he can actually fit his car? Does your wife want a new closet and you have no clue where to begin? Well guess what, we have a clue?
Labels: christmas, organization, promotions
5 Things you can do to Make your Life more Organized @ 8:59 AM
http://blog.manhattanministorage.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/spring-cleaning-clutter.jpg |
I have found that the less clutter I have in my house, the more able I am to cope with the complexity of life. It just makes things a little more clearer. I used to label everything, but found that as the number of kids increased, the less time I had. With the demands of jobs, school, and kids schedule, it is a constant challenge to remain steadfast to the doctrine of organization (but very possible). What do I do to make things easier on myself as a mother of two and a person with a very demanding schedule?
1. Make Lists!
Making lists are extremely important. Not only is it very satisfying to cross things off your list, it keeps you on track. Many times I make these lists the day before and that enables me to not waste time making list that day. Also, if you make a list when your not stressed about what you have to do, you tend to remember the things that need to be on the list. Then, all you have to do is simply add to the list.
2. Set Reminders on your Phone
Most of us have Smartphones in this day in age. Heck, even if we don't have Smartphones, we have phones with the ability to set reminders. Whenever I'm adding something to my ever growing list of scheduled things, not only do I write them down, I set a reminder. I set the reminder in my phone so that an alarm will go off to remind me.
3. Plan things the Day before
Waiting until the last minute (which is the day of) to do things will only create stress. Planning things the day before ensures that if there are any last minute things, you can catch what is going on before something bad happens. Planning is everything. With that extra day, you have the time for planning.
4. Keep it Clean
As hard as it is to keep things clean with two kids, I understand that it's not always possible to have every single thing in your house clean. But it is possible. It requires a constant effort and takes work. But constant movement keeps you from being depressed and believe it or not a clean space promotes happiness and less stress. People living in cluttered environments tend to be depressed and more stressed. ( I wonder why? They should have hired Us!)
5. Ask a Friend for Help
If you're feeling very overwhelmed, ask a friend or someone from your family to help you out. Don't do it alone! Get help. Ask us! But if you don't have the money, do a little bit each day. It'll add up and before you know it, you'll be organized, clean, and stress free (well, mostly :))
Labels: clutter, organize, relief, stress